Over 140 Pages
Released March 2023
Digital Format
Elements is a photo editor and organiser that gives you the control to find, catalogue, edit and share your favourite images effortlessly. It is very likely that in this digital age, the number of photos you have on your computer is vast. It is very easy to take photos and deposit them on your computer and never look at them again. It is also likely that you have photos that you really like but that might be underexposed, badly lit; or could be improved if you were able to remove an annoying background distraction. You may even want to cut your subject out, put it into another scene entirely and create a new look for an image.
If you’ve ever wanted to do more with your photo collection but didn’t need the advanced power of Adobe Photoshop CC, then Elements is for you. Now, thanks to Adobe Photoshop Elements, you have an easy and affordable means to find all those elusive images, organise them and manipulate your favourite ones to make them even better. It is easier than ever to quickly and easily make your images look amazing with just a few clicks of your mouse. From automated and guided edits to hands-on expert modes, you can create exactly what you want. The only thing holding you back is your imagination. Get started with Photoshop Elements and let us show you how.